Anime: Lingerie (Lingeries Office / Lingeries)
Production: Japan
Genre: Hentai
Type: OAV (3 ep.), 30 min.
Broadcast: c hentai video 24.07 serenity and endymion hentai fanfiction.2003 to 26.02.2004
Director: Katsuhiko Nishijima
Quality: TVrip
Container: avi
Description: Very insightful invention about a young man Yusuke Nakanishi, who hired the company with regard to the virgin hentai pussy production of lingerie, not just the head unit, but 3d alien hentai also the "eyes and ears "of megaman characters hentai the team president hinata hentai. The company thrived machination, there is a suspicion of corruption and abuse by a cluster of senior officers, and the evidence of this and must argue Nakanishi. Yusuke shows miracles of dexterity and ingenuity, and, as it turns ~right, he can do almost everything, and not only with his hands. How besides do you want to act in a collective 80% of whom are fascinating ladies?